Waterdeep Wazoo, Tarsakh 4, 1493 DR (April 4, 2021)

Special Report
Tarsakh 4, 1493 DR

Our correspondent in the Yawning Portal reports that a group referring to themselves as "Team Wolf"-- Wayne (Tiefling Bard), Orson (Tiefling Cleric), Lox (Half-orc fighter), and Flint (Dwarf rogue), has taken credit for clearing a dangerous menace from the City of the Dead.  According to Wayne Jann, the leader of Team Wolf--the party was just doing their civic duty to protect their fellow citizens from the threat of the necromancer. 

Wayne told our correspondent the necromancer was behind a recent spate of bizarre grave robberies in the city--where the only thing removed were the dead persons' hands.  Wayne Jann noted that the necromancer escaped from Team Wolf into the sewers of Waterdeep, but takes credit for driving him out of his lair where he was amassing greater power in the City of the Dead.  "Once we killed his supply of hands and without his evil "they/them" warlock girlfriend,--which another group allegedly turned over to city watch earlier this week--it was relatively easy to drive the necromancer out of his crypt.

When asked to comment, Waterdeep Palace noted that "grave robbery and tomb raiding are crimes in Waterdeep" and noted that "so-called "vigilantism" by groups like Team Wolf can undermine public confidence in the Waterdeep's criminal justice system."  "If you want to fight back against crime in our city, join the City Watch."

Our correspondent in Waterdeep Palace informs us that Xaldala Esoterica was turned over to city watch earlier this week by the Barrelriders--and she is scheduled for arraignment and trial later this week for crimes against the Gods and the city which could warrant the death penalty.


Special Report
Tarsakh 4, 1493 DR

The investigation into the Gralhund family has reached a conclusion.   The Gralhunds have entered a plea bargain with the Waterdeep Palace.  According to the terms of this agreement, the Gralhunds will pay a fine of 5000 gold dragons, and plea guilty to disturbing the peace.  The city found that the Gralhund's villa was attacked by Zhentarim, so the Zhents who were killed in the Gralhund Villa were killed in self-defense.


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